“Those who are tempted by doubt and despair I should console in this fashion. First, by warning them to beware of solitude and to converse constantly with others about the Psalms and Scriptures.” -- Martin Luther, Luther: Letters of Spiritual Counsel, p. 117.
SMALL GROUPS at trinity
Our midweek small groups are an important part of our life at Trinity. They are the best way we can offer one another mutual encouragement and support. We open the Bible and listen to God together, talk to God together and seek to care for one another and reach out to others with the good news about Jesus. They are the primary place we connect with one another, and where together we connect what we’re learning in the Bible to our everyday lives.
The groups meet at various times in various houses across Lancaster and this autumn we will be starting a series of studies in Exodus.
Tuesday or Wednesday Evening | 7:00 PM
Assorted addresses across the city

A chance to pray for the world, our local community, the church and each other. Whether the good things or the bad things, we can be secure that as we bring it all to God, he will listen.
Monthly on Wednesday | 7:00 pm
5 Scotforth Rd, Lancaster LA1 4TS, UK