About Us
Our Priorities:
We exist to know Jesus and make him known.
One of our priorities is to know more of our Lord as we read and live out the teaching of the Bible. Our second priority is to share the great news about the identity and mission of Jesus with as many people as we can.
We allow these two priorities to shape how we function as a church. To know Jesus and make him known impacts how we plan for the future and how we organise ourselves in the present. They help us decide how we spend our energy, time and money.
Our Beliefs:
Alongside all orthodox Christian churches, Trinity holds that the Bible is God’s Word; that it is fully trustworthy and can be relied upon completely. We hold that God speaks to humankind through the Bible, and so we open its pages as often as we can. It is our first and final authority on all matters of belief and behaviour.
Every elder is committed to the beliefs outlined in this statement of faith, and in addition those who are ordained leaders are also committed to the doctrines outlined in the 39 articles and the Jerusalem Statement and Declaration.
At the heart of all we believe and do is the good news of Jesus Christ. We want to be clearly explaining and loving this good news all the time in all we do. You don’t have to agree with all of it to come along of course, but our statement of faith summarises the kinds of things we teach at Trinity as we look together at what God says in the Bible.
Anyone is welcome to join in on our Sunday and midweek meetings. We hope that you will find Trinity a place where you can feel at home and learn more about Jesus and the new life he gives. We try and make it easy for anyone new; and seek to be informal, contemporary, child-friendly, warm-hearted and caring. Whatever age you are, and whatever you believe, you’re very welcome.